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Component 2

Hardware & Communication

Fetch-decode-execute cycle, memory, secondary storage, input & output devices and more



Truth tables, Propositional logic, encryption, Boolean expressions, De Morgan's law & more


Logical Operations

Data Transmission

Truth tables, Propositional logic, encryption, Boolean expressions, De Morgan's law & more


Logical Operations

Representation & data types

Pseudo code, flowcharts, variables & constants, self-documenting, subroutines, operations, recursion, sorting algorithms



Organisation & structure of data

Programming paradigms, object-oriented approach,  syntax, high level & low level languages




Analysis & design, feasibility study, solutions, investigation, methods of changeover, types of testing, maintenance, data recovery


System Analysis 

Operating System

Approaches to problem of communication, natural language interface, design review, criteria for evaluation


System Design

Types of software systems

Types of software tool, role of appropriate software packages, role of IDE tools, program version management


Software Engineering

Data Security & integrity processes

Translation programs function, compilers , assemblers, interpreters, complication process, translation & execution errors


Program Construction

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